Grant Reporting

Grant recipients must submit a final report that should include:

  • Summary of progress made in accomplishing the goals and purposes of the Grant. Include evaluation results that objectively measure the outcomes of the programs funded by the grant.
  • Financial statement(s) that account for how the grant funds were spent. For operational grants, a Balance Sheet and an Income & Expense Statement for the reporting year will be sufficient. For capital grants, provide an itemized accounting with supporting documentation.
  • Completed progress reports can be emailed to

Subsequent grant applications that may receive approval by the Memorial Foundation will not be paid until this progress report is received. An interim, year-to-date progress report submitted with a new grant application may be sufficient until a year-end progress report can be provided.

It is important to remember that Memorial Foundation funds must be expended for the purpose for which they were granted. Funds not used for that approved purpose must be returned to the Foundation unless approval has been granted by the Foundation.

On rare occasions, a request may be approved to use unspent funds for other special needs. The final progress report must be reviewed and signed by the CEO.

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